Wednesday, March 30, 2016

First Time Surfing

Took Little J to Pacifica today to try out his surfboard. He was soooooo excited to get in the water. He loves his little wetsuit and booties. He thinks he's Batman! The first few waves he almost stood up, but not quite. Then he took a nosedive and had his first tumble in the waves and wasn't sure if he wanted to go back out. But we're so proud that he did!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gymnastics Camp

I enrolled J in a gymnastics camp that his friend, Emma, was taking. We go for 3 hours in the afternoon to a local gymnastics studio for free play and organized gymnastics games. He had a really good time!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Skate / Bike Park

We have an awesome skate park here that allows bike riding on Tuesdays. J is fearless and loves challenging himself. Even though he never fell, I'm so glad he has a full-face helmet!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

1st Beach Day!!!!!!

Today we took J to the beach with us for the first time! It was so much fun! First, we stopped by Wise Surf Shop and bought him his own, tiny wetsuit and booties to keep him warm. He was super stoked! He thinks he look just like Batman now!

It was so great watching him at the beach - boundless energy! He ran, jumped, tumbled and played for hours!